The village school in South Moreton is a thriving community; it has close links with South Moreton Pre-school who are on site. In addition, there are Before and After School Playclubs running every day during term time and these are open to any child age 3-11years. Ring the school office for details on 01235 813110, if you are interested in finding out more.
South Moreton Primary is committed to providing the very best education for every child. It combines the positive attributes of being a friendly village school within a creative learning environment designed to engage all learners. End of Key Stage Two test results are consistently good and above average, compared nationally and locally.
The school is set in a beautiful village with extensive playing fields at the rear. We value the support from the local community and appreciate the hard work undertaken by an active PTA.
Visitors are welcomed to the school; please ring the office on the number above.