Rail Electrification Update No 9: Network Rail’s Public Consultation – Soon!

Please find below a link to the latest update from the RAG campaign to change the electrification infrastructure on the GWML through the AONBs. This will be printed in the Goring Gap News and the South Stoke Newsletter. It contains information on the Public Consultation that Network Rail has agreed to hold in various localities affected by the electrification work including Goring, Streatley, South Stoke, Cholsey, Moulsford, Pangbourne & Basildon. They are open to any other parishes/areas that would like their own consultation event.

View the pdf update >

BT payphone removal consultation – Deadline 10th January 2017

Dear Parish,
We are consulting you as part of a formal consultation by BT to remove public payphones across the country.
We have a duty to consult the relevant Parish or Town Councils where the public telephones are located.
Therefore I would be grateful if you could provide a response directly to me no later than the 10th January 2017.
Email: roseanne.lillywhite@southandvale.gov.uk

If you have any further queries please contact BT directly on btp.authorisation.team@bt.com